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Street Furniture Completed
Fragments of Sound

Glad to announce that the street furniture “Fragments of Sound” is now open the public! 

Please touch and feel the new sound experience in Yokohama. In collaboration with Liu Kobo, we could provide a sophisticated piece in front of Yokohama Museum, Kenzo Tange’s museum. Thank you for all the people to make this project real!!


是非触って、横浜で新しい体験を堪能してください。今回は横浜の木工房LiuKoboとの共同制作で、納得のいく作品が横浜美術館(丹下健三作、恐縮です。。。)の前で展示できたと思います。関係者の方々本当にありがとうございました! !


Design: Atelier Toru Wada

Production: LIUKOBO  --> Link

Photography: HajimeKato  --> Link

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